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By Kiefer & KieferJanuary 12, 2022August 12th, 2022No Comments

It is no secret that the wheels of justice tend to turn slowly.  Even with an aggressive attorney, it may be years before a Court will be able to give you a trial date.  Louisiana gives preference to setting trials if any party to the case is elderly or terminally ill.

Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure article 1573 provides :

The court shall give preference in scheduling upon the motion of any party to the action who presents to the court documentation to establish that the party has reached the age of seventy years or who presents to the court medical documentation that the party suffers from an illness or condition because of which he is not likely to survive beyond six months, if the court finds that the interests of justice will be served by granting such preference.

This provides an effective tool in helping to get your case to the front of the line and towards resolution.

– Megan C. Kiefer is a partner and trial attorney at Kiefer & Kiefer, who specializes in accident and injury litigation.

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