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By Kiefer & KieferJanuary 13, 2022August 12th, 2022No Comments

Here are a few of the latest news articles and notable quotes reflecting our work:

“Any one of us who identify as LGBTQ has been a victim of discrimination, in one way or another. When it happens, and it does happen, those wounds cut deep.  It can transport us to the darkness of being in the closet, of feeling wrong or like an “other”, or of being vilified in our youth.  For Seth, this unfortunately is unfolding on a national stage with him being victimized at his workplace for being the person who he is. The effects of this hate speech on Seth, both personally and professionally, will be long-lasting and drastic. As a community, we know hate and discrimination all too well, and we all need to resoundingly respond in protest whenever, wherever, and in whatever way one of us is victimized. For every drop of hate, however, there is sea of love. For every shameful tweet, there is one of support. Our community comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors, and spans every little pocket of this world. If you feel alone, you are not. Do not lose hope.”

– Statement by Megan C. Kiefer, Big Easy Magazine, September 13, 2019