As Louisiana struggles to cope with COVID-19, many of our clients have been severely impacted financially. We are doing our best to keep up to date with all of the social services that are available to help bridge the gap during these difficult times. One great resource is the New Orleans Business Alliance, which is providing grants to gig economy workers whose earnings have been affected by COVID-19 and the imposed quarantines. NOLABA is committing $100,000 to initiate the fund, with a goal of increasing the fund assets to a minimum of $500,000.
If you are a gig economy worker, you may qualify for up to $1,000+ of assistance. This includes musicians, arena workers, hospitality workers, and festival production staff, as well as ride share drivers. Even if you are granted the first time, you can re-apply after 45 days.
You can apply for assistance here:
You will need to show:
- Proof of residency in Orleans Parish
- Proof that ≥ 60% of income is generated via “gig-work”
- Demonstrated loss of income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
- At or below 100% Annual Median Income (AMI) Guidelines
Here is another website that has compiled a list of other financial assistance that may be available.
This post may update some of this information:
Kiefer & Kiefer is doing our best to keep our clients and followers informed of any government and social services that may be available during this difficult time. We will be posting updates on our website as we find them, but our Facebook page is the best way to find comprehensive and up to date information as well as links to websites that may provide additional information. You can follow us here: